Adding New Users

1. To add new users, click on the profile icon at the top right corner of the webpage.

2. At the dropdown menu, click "User Management".

3. At the Manage Users page, click the "+" bar.

4. Fill in the information needed at the Add User window (Name of the user you wish to invite and the user's email).

5. Once done, click "Save".

6. The information of the newly added user will be shown on the Active Users list. Newly added users will receive an invitation email with a link provided to them. Once the invitation is accepted, the status of the newly added user will be updated from "pending" to "active".

7. At the Manage Users page, the information and access rights of users can be edited by clicking on the "edit" and "tools" icons. Users can also be deleted by clicking on the "trash can" icon.

8. Your newly added user will be shown in the Contacts.

Written by Karam Altabba
Updated August 2, 2021